Kazakhstan employs an antique type of viticulture that gives our products a unique character. The given system employs an ancient, non-mechanised form of viticulture that is based on shrubs. Such form is a rarity in the world of viticulture, as there are almost no more vines that are grown in shrub form and without grafting.
Exceptional Natural Purity
Our vineyards are truly unique pristine condition, which is mainly due to magnificent climate and characteristics of soil that do not allow disease to spread. As the yield per root is limited in our vineyards, we pay more attention to the quality of the grape and diversity of aromas and colors. Our vineyards can survive for more than a century and give us a specific, unique and high-quality product.
Antique Form of Viticulture
Low Threat of Disease
Richness of Colours and Aromas
Fertility of Soil
Greenhas Italy
Unparalleled natural conditions give us an opportunity to radically reduce the risks of grapevine diseases, and those that are caused by phylloxera insects in particular. Regular dry breezes in the east-west and west-east directions eliminate excessive humidity after rains and therefore protect our vineyards from humidity, mildew and other diseases.
The quality of any wine depends on its molecular structure. The molecules in our wines are balanced and in harmony with each other. Our wines are made impressive by their rich color, aroma and, of course, taste. Our grapes have the composition of mineral content, aromas (molecules of benzenoid, norizoprinoids, and terpens), tannins and anticians that are significantly superior to similar varieties in many European regions.
The soil beneath our vineyards is truly unique. It consists of a granite-sand-clay mix with a fertile upper layer. Thanks to the good drainage characteristic of our soil, its upper layer is barely wet after rain. Moisture soaks deep into the ground, giving our deep-rooted vines much-needed water in hot weather.
A unique quality of our vineyards is that they are located on the footsteps of mountains that cool our vines during the night. Vines need a nightly rest from heat in order to prevent untimely sugar maturation. The vast high-altitude Assa Valley, spreading across 2 million hectares, gives a coolness to the whole region. Immense masses of air descend upon the Turgen River and allow our vineyards to rest from the heat of the day.
GreenHas Italy is one the leading European companies in plant nutrition. They specialize in the development, production and implementation of complex stimulators and growth regulators that are infused throughout the foliage. Foliage infusion is the most biologically safe means of plant nutrition, and we sometimes use it, albeit extremely rarely, as our soil provides our berries with all of the required Nutrients. As we use natural bio-supplements through the foliage and avoid adding fertilizers to our soil, we obtain the most natural and biologically clean grape.